Step 1 – Start the ball rolling
Submit an enquiry via our website, and we will usually respond within 48 hours with a Franchise Information Kit .
This kit includes our franchise brochure, frequently asked questions and a confidentiality agreement (which is merely an agreement that any information discussed in our meeting will stay with us!)
Step 2 – Confidentiality Agreement
If you are happy to sign and return our confidentiality agreement this will enable us to move straight to a meeting.
If you prefer not to sign the confidentiality agreement at this stage, that’s OK – we are still happy to chat, but we just won’t be able to provide quite as much detailed information at this stage.
Step 3 – Initial Meeting
On receipt of your signed confidentiality agreement we will contact you by phone (within approximately 48 hours) and will arrange a convenient time for a meeting.
During this meeting we will provide you with as much information as possible and you will have plenty of opportunity to ask additional questions.
Step 4 – Meeting Follow Up
Following the initial meeting we will provide you with a copy of our franchise application form.
You will also be provided with contact details for some of our existing franchisees. You can then chat to them and get their view on how they are finding their ATS franchise business. This is a great opportunity for you to understand the “nuts and bolts” of an ATS franchise.
Step 5 – Application
If you are happy with what you have learned so far, and you want to move forward, we will ask you to submit a completed application form along with your fully refundable documentation fee of $2,500 (plus GST) AUD.
On receipt of your application form and fee, we will provide you with a preliminary Disclosure Document (which includes current versions of all legal documents including our Franchise Agreement and the Franchising Code of Conduct). It is really important that you review this information yourself, and you should also provide the documents to your own independent legal, business and financial advisers for their advice.
You will need to take a minimum of 14 days to review these documents. ATS will not move forward to the next step in the process until 14 days have elapsed.
Step 6 – Review
While you are reviewing our Disclosure Document, we will be reviewing your application. This may also be the time for a further meeting. If we are happy with what we see, you will receive a conditional approval letter. This letter will outline a number of requirements that will need to be met, such as establishing a Company and obtaining a National Police Check etc. The conditional approval letter will also advise details of the next available induction training course.
This review period is your opportunity to do further homework. We encourage you to speak to independent professional advisers and existing ATS franchisees whilst undertaking market research in your own area. Remember this is a big decision, so you need to make sure that you have ticked all the boxes.
During this period we also expect to be hearing from you regularly. As you work through all of the information provided and speak to the relevant people, you will come up with lots more questions. We are here for you during this very important phase – you can contact us as often as you like, and we are always happy to find the time for a meeting or phone call to discuss your questions.
Step 7 – Make us an Offer
When you have completed your own due diligence, are happy with what you have seen, read and heard so far and are now ready to pursue a Franchise Opportunity with ATS, we will ask you to complete a Franchise Offer document and submit this along with your Training fee of $9,000 (plus GST) AUD.
Step 8 – Franchise Agreement
This is the time we instruct our lawyers to draw up your formal franchise agreement. This will be sent to you and you will be given a further 14 days to review the documents prior to entering into a formal franchise agreement with ATS.
We will also make arrangements for your training and will provide you with a training schedule.
Step 9 – Executed Franchise Agreement
Assuming all of your questions have been answered and you are ready to kick off your new business, you need to sign and return your Franchise Agreement and make your final payment.
Step 10 – Franchise Induction Training
Prior to attending your 10 days of training in Melbourne, you will be required to attend a test and tag training course in your own State. Due to licensing requirements in QLD, you may also be required to complete a Business Management Course.
Your 10 day induction training will be held both at our Melbourne support office and out in the field. You will have the opportunity to meet everyone in the ATS Support Team, and your training will cover all aspects of business operations along with in house and in field technical training.
Final Step
Welcome on board! You have now commenced operation of your ATS test and tag franchise.
In the first few months of your franchise you will have loads of questions, both technical and operational, and the ATS support team you met during your training will be there to answer your questions and guide you through the start-up of your business.

The ATS system of monthly payments put our mind at ease and the invoicing and debt collection services completed by ATS on our behalf mean we are not having any uncomfortable conversations with our clients.