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NSW Test and Tag Regulations for Non-Hostile Office Environments

The question “do I really need to test and tag in my office in NSW?” is asked regularly as there are different interpretations of the NSW Workplace Health and Safety Regulations and the NSW Code of Practice for Managing Electrical Risks in the Workplace.

Sarah Allen

The NSW Code of Practice for Managing Electrical Risks in the Workplace talks about lower risk environments.

This is their definition …

The Code then details the inspection and testing requirements in lower risk environments, and this is where it gets confusing as the Code effectively contradicts itself. Please note, the Australian Standard has been updated from the 2010 to 2022 version since the release of the Code.

AS/NZS 3760:2022 does set out the recommended inspect and test intervals, and for lower risk (they call it non-hostile in the Standard) environments the Standard recommends 5 yearly testing. 

So, whilst the Code says inspection, testing and tagging is not required, the Code then states you need to refer to AS/NZS 3760:2022 which then recommends 5 yearly testing. Hence, the differences in interpretation of the Code.

That’s not to say a whole corporate office would be subject to 5 yearly testing. There will be some 12 monthly retest environments such as meeting rooms and kitchens, and laptops and shredders etc are mostly naturally deemed 12 monthly retests based on their usage. A risk assessment could also be conducted by a qualified person and then documented should you choose not to inspect and test items that are regularly replaced such as desktop computers. 

So why would you do it if it’s not “really” required? (Depending on which sentence you read in the Code of course!) We uncover dangerous items in office environments every day and whilst the % failure rates are comparatively low, the impact of an electric shock in your workplace is significant and wide reaching. The decision on how you interpret the Code is therefore yours to make – Are you prepared to take the risk? 

For more information on a comprehensive electrical safety program, please feel free to contact us on 1300 287 669 or by email to office@ats.com.au


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