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Working from Home - WHS Tips

Below is a guideline that both you and the employee could review and sign off prior to them working from home. Remember that getting your employees to complete a checklist like this is a first step towards ensuring that a home office is a safe place to work… Is there a working smoke detector? Yes / No Is there an ergonomic chair and adequately sized work...

It can take years for a professional test and tag technician to become an expert at their craft. There is an enormous variety of appliances in workplaces across the country, and with the flood of imported product showing no sign of letting up, the number of poorly produced appliances grows every day.

Apple is getting into the renewable energy game. We all know this is a growing industry, but have you noticed a trend lately with other growing industries?

Lately we’ve discussed the evolution of technology and what that does and will mean for various industries. The electrical industry may soon be next.

Parkinson’s Law is based on one principle: “work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion". We’ve all seen it first-hand I’m sure.

A summary of the tests required under the test and tag standard AS/NZS 3760:2010 including Insulation, Earth, Polarity and Visual inspections.

It is a common misconception that RCDs remove all risk of electric shock or fire. This is not the case, as RCDs are an additional safety measure.

I’m sure if many of us took a walk through our homes we’d find at least one risk: a laptop with a hot base, sitting on a sofa; an overloaded outlet., or an appliance we’ve used for years that we’ve never checked since we bought it. Why is this the case? Why do we walk that home safety tight rope?  

If your local school does not have the correct procedures or systems in place, such as a School Guardian, please raise awareness with them to ensure they are not an Australian school cautionary tale.